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The Importance of Allyship

Becoming a true ally is a journey that requires actions to stand up, show up, and speak up for others using one’s power and influence for good. In light of recent tragedies across the nation, it’s important that as a true ally and upstander, you consider the impact these tragedies have on your co-workers’ day-to-day lives. Although you may not have the power to enact change, you can empathize to show that they are not alone in their fight for equality.

What To Know About Allyship

There are many ways for an organization to promote allyship and advocacy. This is important not only to spread awareness among your employees and teams but also to celebrate and support your company’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts. To learn more about what it means to be an ally and how to incorporate allyship into your organization, please read more below.

What It Means To Be An Ally

Identifying areas of exclusion and speaking up with an equity and inclusion lens are core goals of allyship. Being an ally means educating oneself on the history, challenges, struggles, and barriers that various communities face. Allyship also means acknowledging one’s power and influence and using it to amplify underrepresented voices, stand in solidarity, and be open to feedback and learning from the experiences of others. 

Allyship As An Organization

Some ways to be a better ally as an organization are to share resources and educational materials, incorporate diversity into work events, celebrate moments in time that are dedicated to different communities, and listen to the comments and feedback of employees in those communities. Not only will this help promote diversity in the workplace, but your employees may share what they’ve learned with their own families and communities. 

Beyond “food, fun, and festivals,” committed companies take action on diversity, equity, and inclusion by incorporating it into policies, procedures, and practices. For example, professional development, performance ratings, compensation, promotions, and leadership representation are all areas that may benefit from review with an enhanced lens on the impact across groups. 

By promoting inclusive leadership behaviors and cementing your leadership’s commitment as an ally, your organization will grow and thrive through continuing to Listen. Learn. Then Lead with TLC: Transparency, Leadership by example, and Caring™.